How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?

How Long Can Bearded Dragons Go Without Food?

Bearded dragons are nocturnal reptiles, which means they sleep during the day and are most active at night. They are also opportunistic feeders, meaning they will eat whenever they come across food—even if it’s not necessarily mealtime. How long can bearded dragons go without food? It depends on how large the dragon is and how many meals it has eaten in the past 24 hours. Learn more about how to know when your bearded dragon needs to eat and what you should feed him here!

How long can bearded dragons go without food?

Because of their naturally slow metabolism, bearded dragons are considered to be one of few pet reptiles that can survive for long periods without food. However, depending on the size and age of your bearded dragon, it may require supplemental feeding during those dry spells. It is best to consult with a veterinarian or breeder about your specific pet before making any drastic changes to its diet.

But with proper care, your beardie should be able to go anywhere from 1-3 months without eating anything. When it does eat again, it will likely go through what’s called food cycling, where its appetite varies greatly until reaching a point where it needs more regular feeding.

Reasons why a bearded dragon is not eating

Although bearded dragons eat live food, you can place dead and even frozen food in with them. While it’s true that a bearded dragon can go days without eating, they still need to eat at least two or three times per week. The number one reason why bearded dragons are not eating is because they do not see their food as food, or they do not like what’s being offered to them.

If your bearded dragon does not want to eat what you have placed in front of him, he may need some more time for digestion before he tries again. Feeding him smaller portions will also help keep his digestive tract working properly; most people feed their bearded dragons too much at once, causing improper digestion, which leads to undigested food in stool form and smelly stools.

What should you do if your bearded dragon hasn’t eaten in a while?

Although bearded dragons can go for a long time without food, they will lose weight and become more prone to illness if their nutrition is poor. When your bearded dragon hasn’t eaten in several days, take him to a vet immediately. This means your beardie may have a parasitic infection or could be suffering from internal parasites or something else entirely.

Although most ailments can be treated with proper care, it’s always best to get an expert opinion first. The good news is that most health problems are easily treatable—so you should see an improvement within a few weeks of treatment. The sooner you seek help, however, the better off your pet will be.

What can cause a bearded dragon to stop eating (and what to do about it)?

One of two things will happen if you don’t get your bearded dragon to eat on a regular basis: either it will stop eating and die, or it will become overweight and develop health problems. It’s important to understand that these issues are not always a result of bad care—they can also be caused by illness or genetics. How long-bearded dragons can go without food depends on your particular pet.

First, you should give him time to adjust to his new home before offering him food—this is especially true for bearded dragons that have recently been acquired from another owner. If your bearded dragon stops eating after being in his new home for several days, he may simply need some time to acclimate.

However, if he doesn’t start eating within about three weeks, there may be an underlying problem at hand. Speak with a veterinarian if you notice any changes in appetite or behavior over a period of several weeks; they may recommend that you bring your bearded dragon in for an examination so they can determine what might be causing him to stop eating.

Why hasn’t my bearded dragon eaten for a while?

This is a question that bearded dragon owners are often faced with, particularly when caring for baby bearded dragons. Most people think that if they don’t feed their bearded dragon within 24 hours of getting it home, then it will become ill and die. Fortunately, only recently has it been proven that a bearded dragon can go over 7 days without food, as long as there is fresh water available to them. When you notice your bearded dragon hasn’t eaten in days, the first thing you should do is bring them to a vet.

Is it normal for my bearded dragon to go without eating for more than 3 weeks?

Bearded dragons are omnivores, so they’ll eat both animal-based protein and plant-based carbs. And if you’re a bearded dragon owner, you know just how picky these guys can be when it comes to food. That said, while they are typically a healthy lizard species, there is something called bearding-out, where many lizards will stop eating for long periods (weeks or even months).

Though experts don’t know exactly why your dragon stops eating (it could be stress from being kept in an environment that doesn’t meet their needs), you should probably keep an eye on his behavior—and weight—to make sure he isn’t hiding any health issues.

When should I start worrying about my beardie not eating properly?

If you’ve had your bearded dragon for more than two weeks and he hasn’t eaten anything, then it’s time to worry. If your pet is in good health, then he should be eating daily by now. If your beardie isn’t eating properly, then something is wrong. Since dragons can go three or four months without food (in nature), it may not be a problem at all; there are many reasons why they stop eating that have nothing to do with their health.


However, if you think something could be wrong with him—if he’s listless or lethargic or has runny droppings—then head to an exotic animal veterinarian right away! Your vet will likely take a fecal sample and do a thorough examination of your dragon.


As mentioned before, bearded dragons can go without food for up to a month as long as they are properly hydrated. There are also a variety of foods that bearded dragons can eat, which make them an interesting and nutritious pet to have. However, if your beardie is on his last legs and you don’t know what else to do, it’s best to take them to a veterinarian or specialist who knows what they are doing. Just remember, you should never force feed a bearded dragon anything, even if they appear very hungry. If there is any doubt about how much time your bearded dragon has left in their life due to starvation or dehydration, don’t hesitate to get in touch with someone who specializes in reptiles immediately!