The Tiger is among the largest and most impressive of the large cats. They can grow to the length of 3.9m and can weigh over 300 kilograms. The lifespan of an average Tiger is about 26 years. But, there are six subspecies (Bengal Siberian Sumatran Malayan Sumatran Sumatran Sumatran Malayan, Indochinese, Indochinese, Indochinese, Indochinese, Indochinese, Indochinese indochinese, Indochinese, Malayan and South China tigers) are at risk with less than 4000. The Siberian tigris is the one that is most widely distributed, while the Bengal is the rarest.

In India and In Southeast Asia and Siberia there are tigers. The fur of tigers is striped. It is used to conceal and camouflage in their natural habitats that is long grasses as well as forests. They hunt on their own in the night. Their skin isn’t the identical to the one above, and there are no tigers with the same stripes.

According to the IUCN Red List, the Tiger has been classified as endangered. The wild tiger population worldwide is estimated to be between 3,062 and 3,948 mature individuals. The majority of them reside in remote areas. India is the home of the largest population of tigers. Habitat loss, habitat fragmentation, and poaching are the primary causes of the declining numbers. Conflict between humans and wild animals is a significant issue for tigers, particularly in areas with an abundance of human beings.

The charismatic megafaunas of the world, the tigers, are well-known and loved by a large number of people. It was a prominent figure in the mythology and folklore from the beginning of its long history. The tiger continues appear in literature and movies, as well on coats, flags and mascots of sports teams. The the national animal of South Korea, Bangladesh, Malaysia and Bangladesh is the tiger.