How To Submit Press Release To Yahoo News?

How To Submit Press Release To Yahoo News

There are many reasons why you might want to submit a press release to Yahoo News. Perhaps you have some breaking news relevant to the general public, or maybe your company has just launched a new product and would like some extra exposure.

Regardless of what your intentions are, submitting a press release can be done in three simple steps!

Create a NewsBlur Account

To get started, create an account with NewsBlur by visiting NewsBlur’s website. NewsBlur is a popular RSS feed platform that allows you to submit press releases.

Blur’s service is free. NewsBlur also offers paid accounts that allow you to customize your feed and gain access to additional features.

Create News Content in NewsBlur

Once your NewsBlur account has been established, create content by visiting the Submit tab. You can choose from “Blog” or “Releases.” When submitting news for the first time, it’s best practice to select “Blog.”

Add a Release Title and Description

After choosing the type of content, enter a title for the release in NewsBlur’s headline text box. This should be an attention grabber that is informative yet concise. NewsBlur will use your headline title to index the release.

Next, enter a description for NewsBlur in NewsBlur’s News Release Description box. The purpose of this is to provide additional information regarding news releases that are being submitted through Newsblur. This field should be informational and engaging while not overly long or wordy. NewsBlur will use your News Release Description to index the release.

Add a Story Title and Summary for Yahoo News

After choosing the type of content, enter a title for news stories in NewsBlur’s headline text box. This should be an attention grabber that is informative yet concise. NewsBlur will use this field to index the article.

Next, enter a summary for NewsBlur in NewsBlur’s News story description box. The purpose of this is to provide additional information regarding news stories that are being submitted through Newsblur and enticing readers to click on your link(s). This field should be informational and engaging while not overly long or wordy.

Don’t Forget To Add Your Press Release Links

The last part of your press release is where you want to include all of the links back to your website or online presence. You can use a tool like Youtility that allows you to store multiple link variations on different keywords and automatically add them in when they appear in a press release. Even if someone copies and pastes it, the links will be the same.

Approval To Publish

Finally, once NewsBlur approves your blog post submission, it will automatically be published on Yahoo News for all of their readers to see! This is an easy way to get your blog post seen by thousands of NewsBlur readers. Submitting a blog post allows you to share your journalistic work with the world.

Your Press Release will be distributed through NewsBlur’s global network, including Yahoo News and many more! Newsblur sends out over 600 million press releases every month to hundreds of news sites across the world.