European Eagle


Since 1782, the <a href=””>Bald Eagle</a> is the country’s national symbol. It has also been an important symbol of faith for native Americans for a long time. While these majestic birds won’t actually go bald the white feathers on their heads stand out against their chocolate-brown wings and body create a majestic appearance. You can see them flying in pairs, hunting other birds for food, or swarming in large numbers during winter. Bald Eagles are now protected and have recouped their former status as threatened birds because of hunter-killer pesticides.

Bald Eagles will often chase other birds’ fish instead of fishing themselves. A Bald Eagle will harass a hunting Osprey until the smaller raptor snatches its prey from the sky before the eagle picks the prey up. The Bald Eagle may even snatch a fish directly out of the Osprey’s claws. Fishing mammals (even humans at times) can also lose prey to Bald Eagle pirates.
Wild Turkey might have been the U.S. symbol if Benjamin Franklin had won. In 1784, Franklin disparaged the national bird’s tendencies to steal and its susceptibility to being harassed by smaller birds. He wrote that he regretted the Bald Eagle being selected as the representative of his nation. He has a bad moral character. He doesn’t earn his Living in a honest way. … Furthermore, he is a rank Coward: The little <em>King Bird</em> not larger than the size of a Sparrow <em><a href=””>takes on</a></em> him boldly and exiles him from the district.”
Sometimes even the national bird is forced to be cut off. Bald Eagles are known to play with plastic bottles and other objects that were put into play for toys. One person who observed the play saw six Bald Eagles passing sticks to one another in mid-air.
In St. Petersburg, Florida The largest Bald Eagle nest was 2.9m in diameter and 6.1m tall. Another famous nest, in Vermilion (Ohio) it was designed as a wineglass and was nearly two tons in weight. It was used up until the tree fell.
Immature Bald Eagles spend the initial four years of their lives in nomadic exploration of vast territories and can travel hundreds of miles every day. A few young birds from Florida have traveled north to Michigan, and birds from California have reached Alaska.
Bald Eagles occasionally hunt cooperatively, with one individual flushing prey towards another.
Bald Eagles can live a long time. The oldest known bird living in the wild was at least 38 years old when it was hit and killed by a vehicle in New York in 2015. The bird was banded in the same state in 1977.